Talos Claims His Virgin by Michelle Smart

Reviewed by Desere
Talos Claims His Virgin (Kalliakis Crown #1)

Fast paced , sexy, sexy, SEXY, and loaded with drama! This was the perfect book in every way you can think of!

Cutest heroine ever, and the most incredible hero, as in the kind that melts you , then enrages you then just brings you back down from your little anger in fulled rage. Did I mention he's a Prince!!

Michelle 's books are always perfect , she wraps everything I need to take away from a romance book up into a perfect bubble, adds the most delicious twits and then BOOM does something unexpected that makes me doubt my previous review of her books, that's right I always say her books are the best and I cannot fault them at all, and when the next one comes she does it even better than the last one hence the BOOM that blows me away!

It's hard to explain or rather put into words just exactly what she does because I have no idea what exactly it is but I do know that I highly recommend anyone and everyone to sit down and read any of this author's books . It a experience you will never forget, you will walk away with emotions you have never experienced from romance books( yes the normal love, happiness and heartache is there, but Michelle amps it up and I mean really amps it up!).

Trust me on this , read this , no read any book by this author and your life will be changed forever!!

5/5 star review
" He claims her but does she want to be claimed?"